Terms and conditions

Booking Fontana Rooms you need to be aware of thefollowing:

1. имя

The Lombard guesthouse called Fountain Rooms is managedby Fontana XIX Srl, with registered office at Como 22100Como # 19, Via Domenico Fontana, VAT 03863730135

2. standard storage conditions

We require a valid credit card because the reservation isvalid and guaranteed.
Do not charge any deposit at time of booking.
Payment is due on departure or upon arrival at the frontcheck-out at 09:00.

3. a non-refundable deposit conditions

Some rates require a deposit.
We require a valid credit card for the total stay will becharged.
The charge is due upon reservation

4. Standard cancellation Conditions

If a booking is cancelled before 12:00 (noon) to 5 days priorto arrival Hotel time, do not apply penalties.
If a reservation is cancelled beyond this limit and in case ofno show (no show) will be charged to the credit cardprovided at the time of booking a cancellation fee equal tothe first night, VAT included.
In case of early departure, not communicated to the hotel by12:00 (noon) to 2 days, the cost of the night which proves aslate cancellation will be charged as a penalty for early departure.

5. Non-refundable cancellation policies

Alcune tariffe includono una condizione di cancellazione non rimborsabile.
Se si cancellano o modificano prenotazioni a tariffe non rimborsabili non si ha diritto ad alcun rimborso.

6. Means of payment

Fountain Rooms accepts the following payment methods:
American Express
Euro \ Mastercard
Cash within the limit of € 3,000.00 Italian rules

7.  Check-in, Check-out

Check-in must be done starting at 15:00 at 20:00, noexceptions.
Check-out must be done from 07:00 at 11:00, no exceptions.
Check in overtime on request and availability. There is an additional cost.

8. Discounts for children

1 child free until 6 years old in a cot or bed for adults, fromthe age of 6 years on extra bed is an extra cost of euro 50.00per night.

9. Tax

Starting from 1 January 2011, l. n. 122/2010 has introduced anew tax (called "tax") payable by non-residents who arestaying in hotels and non-hotel site on the Italian territory;the measurement of contribution for the Fountain Rooms is€ 1.00 per person per night, with the exception of childrenunder the age of 14 years, for which the contribution is due.The contribution must be paid in cash upon arrival.

10. Rules of conduct and no smoking

The customer shall avoid behaviour that might causeannoyance to other customers. Smoking allowed only inopen air areas or rooms for smokers. Every time a smokingban will not be respected, shall pay a penalty of euro 300.00per offender.

11. Scope of service

The terms and conditions, their contents, structure andonline hotel reservation service provided through thiswebsite (the "service") are owned, operated and offered byand Fontana XIX Srl, with registered office in ViaDomenico Fontana # 19, 22100 Como, p. iva 03863730135, isprovided for your personal use only with non-commercialpurposes, subject to the terms and conditions describedbelow. Although we pay our service with diligence andattention, we cannot be held responsible for any errors(including posters and typos), loss of service (which is due totemporary and/or partial-failure-repair upgrading ormaintenance of the website or otherwise), or for theinformation inaccurate, misleading or false or NDR. Ourservices are available for personal, non-commercial use.Therefore, it is not allowed to resell, use, copy, deep-link,monitor (using for example spider, scrape), display,download or reproduce any content or information,software, products or services available on our websiteInternet for any commercial or competitive activity orpurpose.

12. Correspondence

By making a booking you agree to receive (i) one or moreemail before your arrival date, containing the bookingconfirmation and possibly about your destination andvarious suggestions and offers (also by third parties if, youhave consented) relating to your booking and destination,and (ii) an email after your stay with an invitation to expressyour opinion on Fountain Rooms.

13. Disclaimer of liability

Neither we nor any of our members, managers, employeesand representatives can be held liable and of any natural orlegal person related to you, or only for direct damagesactually incurred and paid as direct result of a failure to fulfilour obligations in the provision of the services that we wouldhave to provide. Compensation (including legal assistancecosts) shall in any case be limited to the total cost of yourreservation, as stated in the confirmation email (whetherwith regard to a single circumstance that a number ofassociated conditions). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in anycase, neither we nor any of our members, managers,employees, representatives, consultants, subsidiaries, groupcompanies, affiliate partners (distribution), licensors, agentsor persons involved in the production, sponsorship, promotion or dissemination of the website and its contents,be liable for: (i) loss or punitive, special, indirect orconsequential damages, for any loss of production, lostprofits, income, by contract, for injury or damage to the goodname and reputation or to loss of the right, (ii) because ofthe inadequacy of information (descriptive) of our servicesprovided on our website, (iii) for services rendered orproducts offered on our website, (iv) for any damages (direct, indirect, consequential or punitive damages), losses or costsincurred and paid due to the delay or inability to use ourwebsite, but consequent or related to its use, or (v) fordamage personal, property, or other types of damages (direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages), losses or costs incurred and paid for (legal) actions, errors, breaches, fault and negligence (severe), deliberatemismanagement, omissions, misrepresentation, breach ofcontract, in tort or objective for a wrongful act attributable (partially or totally) to an external agency which will be usedto book any of our services. In no event shall neitherFountain Rooms, nor any of its members, managers,employees and representatives be liable for any damage,lost or stolen objects owned by the Guest (guests) duringtheir stay.

14. Intellectual property

Unless otherwise specified, the websitewww.fontana-rooms.com, Fountain logo and all content,information and material on our website, as well as thecopyright on them (including copyright), are the propertyexclusive of Fontana XIX Srl, with registered office at Como 22100 Como # 19, Via Domenico Fontana, p. iva03863730135, and may not be reproduced, either in wholeor in part, transferred (by either conventional or electronic), modified, linked or otherwise used for any purpose withoutthe prior written consent of Fontana XIX Srl, withregistered office at Como 22100 Como # 19, Via DomenicoFontana, VAT 03863730135

15. Possible Malfunctions of the technological equipment

It is possible that Internet services and/or TV may not beavailable during your stay for technical problems that mayoccur outside the control of Fountain Rooms. It is alsopossible that your Internet service supplied is compatiblewith the operating system or the configuration of yourcomputer. In the cases mentioned above, Fontana Roomscannot be held responsible for any damages or losses orcosts resulting from these technical problem

16. Other business

These terms and conditions and the provision of ourservices, are governed by and shall be construed inaccordance with Italian law; any dispute arising in relation tothese terms and conditions and our services will be referredto the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Rome, Italy,notwithstanding the application of mandatory rules of lawregarding the consumer Forum. The original text in Italianlanguage of these terms and conditions may have beentranslated into other languages. The translated version isunofficial and purely illustrative purposes, so devoid of legaleffect. In case of dispute or inconsistency or discrepancy between the Italian text and the translations into otherlanguages of these terms and conditions, the Italian willprevail and will be the final version. The English version isavailable on our website (by selecting the English language)or shall be sent to you upon written request. In the eventthat any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid, lose validity, is or becomes non binding, you will continue tocomply with all other provisions hereof. In that case, we willeither replace that clause with a clause that is valid andbinding, that has an effect as much as possible similar to thereplaced and you agree to accept in accordance with thecontent and purpose of these terms and Conditions

Fontana Rooms

our contacts

Via Domenico Fontana, 19
Como - Italy